The Matt & Randall Team of Carolina One Real Estate
The Matt & Randall Team of Carolina One Real Estate

Matt and Randall’s directory of trusted vendors for you and your home.

Our years of experience in the Charleston area have allowed us to build strong relationships with some of the best local businesses. Here, you’ll find a curated list of trusted vendors that we personally recommend for all your home needs. From contractors to landscapers, these are the professionals we trust to deliver exceptional service.

Sweet Grass Shades

Blinds and Plantation Shutters

PLUGS Appliance Center


Coldwell Banker - Commercial

Real Estate - Commercial

Brent Case, CCIM, President

California Closets

Closets and Closet System

Zobel Builders

General Contractor Including plumbing & Electrical Work

Carolina One Vacation Rentals

Real Estate - Short Term Vacation Management

Keen Eye Marketing

Photography, Videography & Social Media

Bob Durand Design

Graphic Design Work

Nietert Woodworking

Furniture Making & Woodwork

Light It Up

Event Lighting & Landscape Lighting

Marietti Fence Company


Alchemy Elevator


Brett Speedy

Charleston Golf Carts

GoldfCart Rentals & Repairs

Brian Mraz

Looking for something else? Ask Matt and Randall and we’ll be happy to suggest a trusted vendor for whatever project you have in mind.

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We are committed to supporting our Charleston community through various charitable initiatives and local projects.

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The ongoing video series from yours truly, The Matt and Randall Show dives into home trends, current listings, and shares entertaining real estate information.